Sunday, November 23, 2008

Russell Banzon


1 comment:

banzon said...

Since "someone" told me my wishlist wasn't good enough, i'll add a thing or two. haha, jk. But yeah, my wishlist is not much help to whoever is buying me something. So I guess I'll put something down.

Lets start it off with something small,
like a a toy or stuffed animal not so tall.

Something with love and care that I can not only receive, but share.

Really, anything will work.
Maybe an affirmation or two? Shoot, that would be dope.

A surprise that will catch me off guard, like gouda cheese.
Some inspiration in life, can I have some please?

Maybe for someone to realize, that through these eyes, lies someone who just wants joy and laughter.

Then maybe after, a miss independent?
Haha, jay kay. Enough play-ing.
On the real, I will take anything! Thank you very much (: